- Let's get down to work!
- Давай<те> начинать работать! Давай<те> приниматься за работу!
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
get down to work — See: GET DOWN TO BUSINESS … Dictionary of American idioms
get down to work — See: GET DOWN TO BUSINESS … Dictionary of American idioms
get down to — get started on Let s get down to work so we can go home early … Idioms and examples
get down — verb 1. lower (one s body) as by kneeling (Freq. 3) Get down on your knees! • Hypernyms: ↑move • Verb Frames: Something s Somebody s Something is ing PP … Useful english dictionary
get down to — {v.}, {informal} To get started on, being on. * /Joe wasted a lot of time before he got down to work./ * /Let s get down to work./ Compare: GET AT(3), GET GOING, GET TO … Dictionary of American idioms
get down to — {v.}, {informal} To get started on, being on. * /Joe wasted a lot of time before he got down to work./ * /Let s get down to work./ Compare: GET AT(3), GET GOING, GET TO … Dictionary of American idioms
get\ down\ to — v informal To get started on, being on. Joe wasted a lot of time before he got down to work. Let s get down to work. Compare: get at(3), get going, get to … Словарь американских идиом
get down to business — To set to work seriously • • • Main Entry: ↑business * * * get down to business phrase to start doing something that you need to do I have a plane to catch, so let’s get down to business. Thesaurus: to start doing somethingsynonym … Useful english dictionary
get down to business — or[work] {v. phr.} To start being serious; begin to face a problem to be solved, or a task to be accomplished. * /Gentlemen, I m afraid the party is over and we must get down to business./ … Dictionary of American idioms
get down to business — or[work] {v. phr.} To start being serious; begin to face a problem to be solved, or a task to be accomplished. * /Gentlemen, I m afraid the party is over and we must get down to business./ … Dictionary of American idioms
get down to brass tacks — also[get down to cases] {v. phr.}, {informal} To begin the most important work or business; get started on the most important things to talk about or know. * /The men talked about little things and then got down to brass tacks./ * /A busy doctor… … Dictionary of American idioms